Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Quick Thoughts #1

I am so bad at being consistent with this blog. Here's my latest attempt to put my thoughts on paper to enrich my soul and those of whatever readers may come. I sometimes have quick thoughts, just small, pithy little bits of wisdom, that come to me while I'm in the Word. In addition to big posts, I'll put these up every once in a while. If you're reading, I hope this blesses you!

Quick Thoughts #1:
  • To be a good encourager, one must be easily and regularly encouraged.
  • Discipleship is a gourmet meal, which must be prepared with great care and practiced skill. Too many Christians make their spiritual nourishment depend upon a drive-thru meal prepared by someone else, which is ultimately neither nourishing nor satisfying.
God, make me a faithful witness of your power, grace, and love to whomever I meet today.